Why Hiring Tech Pros Has Never Been Harder and What to Do About It It’s no secret that the tech job market is candidate-driven, and that organizations large and small face significant challenges in finding and attracting the best people. With IT demand far outstripping supply, every role in the tech function is impacted. It […]
Case Study: Startup Passion
Startups can be a rollercoaster and everybody knows it. Finding high-end talent with the drive to be part of something new and meaningful, who will sacrifice the 9-5 and even market rates to build something from scratch—that can be a challenge. Not to mention that without a fully developed hiring process, startups will often need […]
New Employees Feeling Lost?
Management Tips: 4 Ways to Improve Your Onboarding Approach When onboarding a new hire, as a manager you have an opportunity to set the stage in leading and supporting a healthy, productive employee. This new position represents a major life change for your new hire, who is sure to be working through a slew of […]
Quiz: How Well Do You Motivate Others?
Pay, praise and promotions may have some effect on motivation levels in the workplace. But these three Ps pale in comparison to more personal factors, such as the Top 5 of the oft-cited research by Rewick and Lawler: job challenge, accomplishing something worthwhile, learning new things, developing skills and abilities, and autonomy. Take this Self-Quiz, […]
Managing a Difficult Employee
Difficult employees come in all forms but none are so frustrating as the brilliant employee who is impossible to work with. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings famously said, “Do not tolerate brilliant jerks. The cost to teamwork is too high.” And we agree. Such an employee creates a conundrum for managers, but learning to draw out […]
Why Use an Outside Recruiter?
The traditional means of finding new employees is something many companies prefer to do. There are perks, however, to using an external recruiter to do the hunting on behalf of your HR or management department. Recruiters Live to Recruit Hiring managers and HR reps a lot of work to do that is completely separate from […]
Horrible Bosses!
These three habits are sure to make you a drag to work for. Could you be one of these horrible bosses? Horrible Boss One: The Micro-Manager. A micromanager is not really a manager. A manager is someone who can properly hire, train, motivate, and delegate responsibility with quantifiable success factors; there would be no purpose […]
Geek Speak
Many techies find it challenging to communicate technical information to technologically-challenged people. What should be a brief run-down of an IT issue at the end of the day could easily stretch over hours between such differently-wired individuals. It is very important that techies know how to communicate their IT world to non-technical parties, whether for […]
Top 10 Ways to Support Your Team
A leader’s job is to ensure that the highest level goals of the organization are realized. As long as you are committed to the success of the group, you are leading. Below are 10 ways to support your “team” whether that is a formalized project team or an informal grouping of employees. 1. Set direction; don’t […]
Giving an Effective Technical Interview: What You Need to Know
When it comes to finding high-quality IT talent, businesses are scrambling more than ever to find the best candidates. Why? This is due to the fact that unemployment in this industry is lower than almost any other and fewer college graduates are choosing this path, resulting in a huge reduction in the talent pool. However, […]